The other morning for some oddball reason found myself dreaming about garden changes in 2010. I immediately awoke with a plan to take away more grass, move stuff around and beautiful my little corner of the world. So with that in mind I went into the office and started drawing everything down on paper, so I wouldn't forget what I had seen in my dream! Sometimes if I don't jot stuff down then it's forgotten about. And I really liked this one. Here is the plan:
I'm always changing with and in my gardens. If I were finished the garden would be done and then what would I do? Pick-up another hobby, oh no that's dangerous. I already have to many to speak of !! Anyway, come spring my mind is all about the changes to the garden before it gets too hot to enjoy. I love to create...and every year I sit back and think what can I do different this year to make it enjoyable..Ok here's a pic. of the "Before"...I took these photos 7:00am so the shade is still on the garden. And the big tree doesn't have all it's leaves.
#1-Big Picture
#2-Trellis Area, this will be moved over to make the Entrance to the side garden. Yes, the trellis it will be
#3-This area is under the big tree which I'm enclosing to make a big Shade Perennial Area. I will be putting a "White Hydrangea" in this bed. I love white flowers in the shade. They really pop!
#4-And the other project this year is to actually have a concealed "Compost Area" for my garden and PAINT my little shed. I'm leaving the shed "Tan" with a bright color to accent, not quite sure yet, maybe purple, maybe pink? I want this area to be fun and up-lifting. Have more projects in head like using "windows" and "Seaglass" and fun stuff.
Ok, well this is my plan I will keep you posted on my progress with photos and thoughts. I moved the 10 big rocks yesterday-ugh, have more to move today plus trellis so if I don't shut-up and get moving it's gonna take longer and I'll lose the SUN. Plus I have eggs to dye!!!
*If you would like to see photos "Larger" just click photo!!*
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